Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lets Think Smart

Artwork By: @SuperDevin

Lets take a moment from our busy day and Think Smart. Lets take a look at ourselves in 3rd person. Lets really look at whats wrong in our lives and fix it. Every problem has a solution it's up to you to solve it. It will never fix itself. Covering up only makes it worse. (Like a cavity makes a root canal) Lets be serious, if you have a goal that you are trying to achieve... whats stopping you?

Whats the problem .........?

Take a step back and determine what the problem is. Once you've got it... try to figure out what you can do to solve it..

"Time is Money" 
Think about all the time you spend wasting away.. if you devoted half of that time to really trying to make something of yourself think about where you could be?.. Here are some examples..

  • Spend time researching blogs
  • Develop a Side Hustle
  • Master a Craft
  • Pick up extra hours @ work
  • Give back to the community
  • Get Fit to build confidence 
All of these examples can lead up to making money, lets prepare ourselves for the future.. its OUR TIME!!!!

#Getithowyoulive #Gettinmoneyiswhatwedo @KingChase4812

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Kids and Cudi


So Monday I was out in the city attending my private lessons at the Scratch Academy, when I got a txt about a secret Kid Cudi shows for the Halo Reach release at the Best Buy Theater. So my friend Katie met me in the Village and we headed uptown for a long night. We met up with our friend Eric, Brandon and their friend Jackie. We stood in line for hours with many of the Halo fans awaiting to be let inside. There was much confusion outside with the wrist bands but we made it in. Around 12:30 am (90mins after cudi was suppose to come on) the gentleman from Spike Tv Told the crowd that Cudi was not coming out "Kid Cudi will not be performing tonight. He may come out and speak later on why but as if now he will not be performing." I think this was in regard to the many Cudi fans who found out about the free show and did not purchase the game. This cleared the room many of his fans left with much anger! The true fans that stayed out of curiosity to see what he had to say? Well we got to enjoy every thing who left early dint our free Kid Cudi performance. Around 1:30 am he came to the stage with Plan Pat and performed three songs "Erase Me, Cudders Own and Pursuit of happiness". The young boys Eric and Brandon got a couple items signed with The Cudder as well as a couple snap shots. Cudi came down after his three songs and showed the crowed love shoot out to Cudi for that Matter of fact. The show was great we all really enjoyed it. It was just one of those long nights you never forget but thats what makes it all worth while! 


Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day with Pac Div!

I’ve been blasting non-stop Pac Div lately (besides these J. Cole and Kanye tracks that have dropped lately) because I just need some actually word play and dope witty lines. I cant get with some of these new school guys who just put little words together and think they are rappers, I need some actually content, that Hip Hop sound that I love. Pac Div is a trio (Mibbs & Like are brothers and their friend BeYoung) these dudes are from the west coast and I personally think they are the best up and coming group rapping coming out of the west coast. Pac Div has been around since 2006 when they dropped their Sealed for Freshness: The Blend Tape. Their other two tapes Church League Champs and Don't Mention It. They also have Pac Div EP.These guys bring back that 90’s Tribe Called Quest/De La Soul sound, but don’t get it twisted these guys defiantly have their own lane and I see big things coming from these guys in the near future. I constantly have their mixtapes playing, these dudes are the truth. With their debut album Grown Kid Syndrome dropping October 12, 2010, look out for Pac Div.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Paper Hearts Mania Continues ! FOX CT TV appearance


This is Paper Hearts FOX CT interview from 8/25
 I wanna congratulate my brother Devin Caldwell and his band Band Paper Hearts. They have been through alot these last couple of months and now the Finish line is in sight. Its down to the wire only 3 more days of The infamous "Rock The Space II" Contest. They have done a great job so far so no we need to keep pushing to pass that finish line. Danbury we need your support #203 stand up and show support. We need to be proud of our local talent in hopes that CT can finally be put on the map.

I just want to be successful....

Do you really want success?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Paper Hearts Mania !

Last week started the final round of Myspace and Toyota Music’s Rock The Space contest. For the past month we have been pushing our favored band Paper Hearts, our efforts have been great. Th3 New Regime wants to inspire fans to continue the momentum. This is our reasoning behind “The Paper Hearts Ultimate Fan Challenge”.

The Paper Hearts Ultimate Fan Challenge
Paper Hearts understands that their fans are their greatest supporters. That is why they have teamed up with Th3 New Regime to show their appreciation. So we decided to search for the ultimate male and female fans. With the end of The Rock Space contest we need your help one ore time. Paper Hearts wants their fans to pull out the theatrics and all the stops to get all their friends to vote. Every vote counts so we need you to show your support. The winners will receive a new Paper Hearts shirt “Break Laws not Hearts” signed by the band.


Contest Rule’s
The two most effective fans (Male/Female) who can gather the most votes, fans and supporters using Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Youtube for the Paper Hearts will receive the prizes. After your efforts either send us a screen capture or actual link so we can document your submission.
Contest ends after Rock The Space Winner is Announced

You can vote on the Paper Hearts Myspace or The "Rock The Space" page once a day every day. Make sure to stay posted for more news and updates about Paper Hearts and their Pursuit of a Dream.

Also Check out Th3 New Regime Blog site for updates and Exclusive Videos and News Reports of the Contest

We believe with everyone’s support we can all be responsible together, in making this dream come true. Your vote will take a role in making Big City Dreams happen for a Small Town Start!

Thank You Every Vote Counts!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Dont be that guy : Manliness guide to Lousy friends

Dont be that guy : 
Manliness guide to Lousy friends
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Steve Kamb.
We all know “That Guy,” and we all have at least one in our group of friends.

He’s the one scalawag who is generally pleasant to hang out with except for one glaringly painful characteristic.  Although there are different species of That Guy, some far more deplorable than others, they all have one thing in common: they often piss their friends off without knowing it.
Today, you’ll learn about the various forms of That Guy, how to react should you find one in your midst, and how to evolve in case you are That Guy.

Check out witch "That Guy" you are after the jump!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Class trip to the Daily Buzz

I had the longest day today not only did I have a double (class 9am-5pm) but I had to be at school extra early to attend the Daily Buzz. The Daily Buzz is a nationally syndicated breakfast television news program. It is broadcasted every weekday mourning, 3 hours a day. The Daily Buzz is located and ran in a Full Sail studio and my class (television business) had the pleasure to watch it live and also tour the studio. The show wasn't the best but it was good to see this news shows live and see how everything works behind the scenes.


These artworks are by Full Sail students, I crossed them today and had to take a picture of it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Paper Hearts Rock The Space II Finals !

Hello everyone we are proud to officially announce that with all of our hard work and great efforts, Paper Hearts has made it to the final round of Myspace and Toyota Music’s Rock the Space 2 Contest!

Yes that’s right the final round is finally here and now its time to turn up the heat. Out of 17,000 Bands we have made it to the all the way to the top 6. Now that says something about our great efforts!

Paper Hearts and The New Regime along with our families and friends would like to thank every one who participated in supporting Paper Hearts in the Semi Finals; all of your hard work has not gone in vain. We all need to combine our efforts once again and finish strong. We are proud to have such a strong team of supporters  behind us. 

Lets gear up and do this again!

Check out Paper Hearts Article From The Danbury News Time’s

You can vote on the Paper Hearts Myspace or The "Rock The Space" page once a day every day.

Make sure to stay posted for more news and updates about Paper Hearts and their Pursuit of a Dream.

Also Check out Th3 New Regime Blog site for updates and Exclusive Videos and News Reports of the Contest

We believe with everyone’s support we can all be responsible together, in making this dream come true. Your vote will take a role in making Big City Dreams happen for a Small Town Start!

Thank You Every Vote Counts!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Video: Erykah Badu Ft. Rick Ross – Window Seat (Remix) + Turn Me Away (Get Munny)



Kanye West on Ustream (Replay)

This is a replay of a live Ustream that Kanye did earlier.

The art of It

Art is something we can say is subjective, every thing has some kind of art behind it. Everyone is an artist one way or another everything we do paints a picture. These picture are images of how we view our reality to be. The best thing about our art is the thoughts they provoke and the ideas they generate. Art gives us the ability to see things from another perspective. Think of every picture being a window, looking through the eye's and in the mind's of us the artist.  

The Art of it

It's found inside You!
Inside Me!
Inside Us!

Look in my window !
Tell me what you see?

Now Step in
Now Step out

Look at the windows on the wall!
Look in 3rd person
Look at yours
Look at mine
Look at his 
Look at her's

Now look long
Now look hard


Step to your window!
Tell me what you see?
Tell me whats outside your window?
Does your view look Familiar? 

NaZty - The Tape (Mixtape)

There has been a movement in my hometown of Danbury, CT and I am so hyped to see this type of stuff going on because a lot of people have been holding back talents and other great gifts they possess. There is a new studio in my town called Hat City Recordings started by Al-Fatir Marrero (NaZty) and Jonathan Jimenez (Jaynez) and they have been putting in work. I’ve known JJ (Jaynez) for a little while now and he’s always been hungry, always trying to get his beats out and just grinding to get his name out. I’ve herd of NaZty but I never got a chance to hear his music, not that it wasn’t out there but I just never came across it until a couple of months ago when he did a video for a song he did on the Nike Boots Remix. Now NaZty is back with a mixtape called The Tape, which is on point! He defiantly holds it down for the 203 (Danbury) and brings his A game with this mixtape, everyone download the tape and support good music. Lets help get this Connecticut music scene going, and to all my Danbury people help support one of are own, someone we can be proud of. On another note, to all my hip hop heads, this is New Regime approved so take a listen.
Also check out (one of my favorite tracks) Everyday Hustle ft Steve G. Production by Jaynez and Jose (Jazz) Bueno. You can catch features by One Take Tone, Ace Boogie and others. Also check out NaZtys blog

NaZty-The Tape Mixtape Download

Monday, August 2, 2010

Interview with Sinecal by Dean Satchwell


check out Sinecal twitter at

I have known Simon (Sinecal) for about two years now and he was actually suppose to be Chase’s roommate when we first moved down to Florida but it never happened. But we all met at Full Sail and we have all kept a good relationship throughout the times. Simon always told me that he raps but I rarely herd his music and then he hits me with this mixtape that surprised me because I never knew he could really rap. This is a mixtape with Sinecal and partner E Hollywood and this mixtape defiantly rides smooth. Hosted by DJ Cassius Cain (follow him on twitter and some production by AuD10 ( who are both buddies I met through Full Sail. Here is an interview we did and don’t forget to grab the tape and give it a listen and support.

How did you and E Hollywood link up?

“We’ve been cool since the beginning of high school. We are really good friends now.”

How did you guys come up with the mixtape title?

“Its like a perfect day with us, we do so much we needed 25 hours. “

What song sticks out to you and why?

“We doing It” ”From the responses we have been getting it has been everyone’s favorite. It’s a motivational song that is actually talking about something.”

How would you define yourself as an artist?

“Expect the unexpected”

What are your inspirations?

“2Pac is the main reason I rap, always listened to him at a young age. Jay-Z because he is just a Boss and his music is crazy. Kanye just does what he wants to do and I like that about him. Fabolous has the punch lines and the witty lyricism.”

What do you want to bring to the table as an artist?

“Don’t want to be just a rapper; I want to be a musician.”

What is M.O.B.B?

“It stands for Movement of Big Bosses.”

How did it get started?

“It started as a click, we use to rap for fun, it’s a lose affiliation but everyone is grinding together.”

Any new projects we should be expecting?

“New project with Ethan and I
Solo from Audio
M.O.B.B mixtape (showcasing every member in M.O.B.B)
New E Hollywood mixtape
Solo from me coming soon also”

Personal Goals?

“I want to establish a fan base and have my own sound. I want to attract listeners with the same mindset as me and my music.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Perfect Problems

"The only problems you have left are the perfect ones. The imperfect ones, the ones with a clearly evident solution, well, if they were important, you've solved them already. It's the perfect problems that keep us stuck.

Perfect because they have constraints, unbendable constraints, constraints that keep us trapped. I hate my job, I need this job, there's no way to quit, to get a promotion or to get a new boss, no way to move, my family is in town, etc.

We're human, that's what we do--we erect boundaries, constraints we can't ease, and we get trapped.
Or perhaps it's your product or service or brand. Our factory is only organized to make X, but the market doesn't want X as much, or there is regulation, or a new competitor is now offering X at half the price and the board won't do anything, etc.

There's no way to solve the perfect problem because every solution involves breaking an unbreakable constraint.
And there's your solution.

The way to solve the perfect problem is to make it imperfect. Don't just bend one of the constraints, eliminate it. Shut down the factory. Walk away from the job. Change your product completely. Ignore the board.
If the only alternative is slow and painful failure, the way to get unstuck is to blow up a constraint, deal with the pain and then run forward. Fast." Seth Godin

Are you One of those people who lets problems effect the out come of a goal? 
Do you make excuses for things your to lazy to complete?


Do you still have these words in your vocabulary such as "Cant" and "Wont" 

Well its safe to say your limiting your self. Many people let problems take control of their reality, they dont look to get around them or past them. It seems more or less people would rather learn the hard way! 

You have 3 options when problems arise!

1. Take the long way around your problem

2. Take the hard way through your problem

3. Take the creative way over your problem

We most stop making excuses for problems its up to you to decide the out come. Take responsibility and accountability for what is at hand, try your hardest to hopefully decide the right 1 of the 3.

Diary Entry 1

Dear friends,

Decided to start writing every sunday to get some things off my chest, I guess you can call it my little online diary. So as I let Pandora play I am home alone still trying to figure out how my current situation is going to work out. My lease is up in 4 weeks; I have to room with a friend until my graduation in November. Chase is graduating in a month and I turn 21 in 32 days. This month I have statistics (mind you I am not a good math person, unless its money) and all I hear from everybody is that it’s a hard class; this will be my hardest class from here on out so I am really going to study my hardest to not make this class stress me. On another note I’ve been currently listening to the Rick Ross Teflon Don album and I am impressed. Great production, good lyrics and an overall great album (everyone has been sleeping on Ross’s talents). My favorite album of 2010 so far, my favorite track is Tears Of Joy, that track is so powerful. On another note Kanye has been doing these acapella performances of songs off his up coming album and these performances have been so refreshing to see him showcasing his talents again. A very big influence in my life, I always get inspired by seeing Kanye pushing the creative envelop. He performed in front of the weirdest crowds (Facebook office, Twitter office). I can’t wait for the album to come out! I wanted my first diary feed to be short and sweet but until next sunday, bye folks!

(Kanye Performances Down Below)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to make it work

A useful tool I found in an E-Book on Scribd called "Me 2.0". This book is about personal branding and achieving career success. I know plenty of people I have come across who either A: Dont like their job or B: Dont know what kind of job they want. I would suggest asking your self these questions!

"It is not tell we know where we are going, can we figure out how to get there. The less time we spend wasting just aimlessly wondering down this path, the sooner you will be able to reach your goal. The sooner you will be able to make your own path and break ground for others to learn from your experiences."

 I hope this snippet can provoke some thought and get the creative juices flowing. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Did You Know


The change is right in front of our very eyes. Our day to day lives are being influenced and altered daily by simple habits we have developed. Many people fail to realize every action has a reaction and in result we have an ever changing and growing market. This video will reflect the growth and progress of the technology and social media in the past decade.

Please don't forget to leave feed back!

Welcome to The World Of Color

Recently opened at Disney’s California Adventure park Disney Land. In this video they will take you inside the control booth as Walt Disney Imagineers work overnight testing lights, fire and nearly 1,200 fountains for the new nighttime spectacular “World of Color.” You’ll also see some exclusive footage from our time lapse camera and more glimpses of the show. “

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Help Vote for Paper Hearts On Myspace and Toyota Music "Rock The Space II"


Paper Hearts is a Electro/Pop band hailing from Danbury, Connecticut. Founded by singer/songwriter Devin Caldwell, in the summer of 2009, with the intent to spread some much needed love into our hearts and minds. Paper Hearts leaves all the pretension, hate and hype at the door to deliver a energetic sound that whisks you away to a simpler place, a place where princesses lives in far off castles and monsters live under the bed.

Everyone on Facebook Dont Forget to become Fans of Paper Hearts
Click Here

Once Voting Starts for the round you can vote on the Paper Hearts Myspace or The "Rock The Space" page once a day every day.

Make sure to stay posted for more news and updates about Danbury's own Paper Hearts and their Pursuit of a Dream.
We believe with everyones support we can all be responsible together, in making this dream come true. Your vote will taking a role in making a Danbury Start !

Thank You Every Vote Counts !

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Th3 New Regime Present's The Splash A Thon


Toward the end of the Splash A Thon, we decided to do an interview and talk about what are objective of the day was and how the Splash A Thon came about. We shared some details on are next event, so be on the look out for the official date announcement. Again we thank every single person who came out to the event and help make it a success. We also want to give a special thanks to Casey & camp his TruStatement Crew for interviewing and tapping the event. Keep Posted to see our upcoming Events and Parties.